Bridger Konkel

Bridger Konkel

Last Light, Colombia River - Bridger KonkelGranville FjordJanuary On Beckton Hall RoadShoshone RiverMelting DriftsA Fire Before the NightPheasant Still Life

1985 –

Bridger Konkel, a talented young artist from Wolf, Wyoming, has been drawing seriously since the age of five and painting in watercolors and oils since the age of eight. At the age of twelve, he produced his first zinc plate etching. Bridger has studied and painted with a number of noted and talented Western artists, including Clyde Aspevig, T. Allen Lawson, Geoff Parker, Ned Jacob Bridger prefers to paint outdoors but also works indoors from field sketches and photographs. An April 2000, Bridger won first place in his age group (9th grade) in the Wyoming Junior Federal Duck Stamp Competition. In 2001, 2002, and 2003, his Wyoming Junior Duck Stamp entries were judged Best of Show in the Wyoming state competition and sent to Washington D.C. to represent Wyoming in the National Contest. In 2002, he received an Honorable Mention in the National Contest. He also received the prestigious Marie Walsh Sharp Scolarship to paticipate in painting and drawing seminars with 63 other nationally recognized high school art students in 2002. Bridger has won first place for five consecutive years in the Sheridan Arts Council Fine Art Show. In 2004, three paintings were selected and juried at the University of Wyoming Fine Arts Show, two of which won awards. In 2005, one of his paintings in the juried University of Wyoming Fine Art Show received an award. He has sold numerous works to artists and collectors around the country.